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Fight for the European elections as the "European election campaign" of the Europa-Union

In this working group of the 7th Hertenstein Talks, a brainstorming session should take place as to how awareness of the need for a Europe that acts as one in the world can be conveyed to the German population, but also everywhere in Europe: as a condition for a good life among us important social conditions.

This should tend to be a very firm, inner knowledge and conviction, as for example for more and more people the whole of society more energetic and sustainable handling of the climate crisis, currently - at least to some extent - even with a military threat to Europe from the aggressive war from Russia. At the moment, of course, that would also mean going to the European elections.  

As a political construction, Europe is already doing quite a bit, also better than it is often portrayed in reports and in people's awareness, but it has this well-known democratic deficit, which is not only ugly in formal terms, but also an expression of the fact that it is important for people has been more or less a nice 'additional event' for decades. It is not sufficiently understood how essential and vital for survival a strong Europe is and is becoming more and more so in the real, not just in the ideal-typical reality for all of us.

However, this Europe can only be executed accordingly by the political actors at the highest level -- often still only legitimated nationally -- if more and more people demand this from them more and more persistently, in an emergency also with protest on the street: them kind of make the hut hot, just like with climate protection.

The mobilization potential for this was shown at the time by "Pulse of Europe" -- occasion-related, because it was just "5 to 12" again. But it's no longer just about 'occasions', such as the feared election of an anti-European head of government somewhere (at that time Wilders in the Netherlands), it's also not about individual, more or less pronounced deviations from European values ​​or standards, it's about one -- far cross-party, only consistently excluding the sharp edges on the right and left -- mobilization: also not promoting great power fantasies, but also not constantly dismissing this in advance out of sheer fear of it.

It shouldn't be aggressive -- and we're not that either -- but it should be a power bloc that other world centers should try not to tamper with.

We are therefore faced with the question -- like the Greens 40 years ago, who sat knitting in the Bundestag, although we are already further along -- the question of whether such an orientation of new energy, new messages and slogans can also be created that give us the strength to campaign for it, because they also appear promising in terms of winning over more and more people and convincing them of the need for Europe.

Because: The pressure from Europe cannot only come from above, its essential foundation must grow much stronger and broader from below! If Europe is as important as we think, then it can't be any other way than that it succeeds! Maybe we just didn't really recognize certain potentials, or something... ?! 

dr Walther Heipertz In his forum post, he addressed all the problems and unfinished homework that keep staunch Europeans busy, not least with a view to the next European elections in spring 2024. 

He names a number of old problems: the climate crisis and everything that is needed to stop the fatal development before the tipping point is reached; the dangers emanating from anti-European heads of government and also the democratic deficit that lies in the current organizational structure of the European Union and which – it seems to me – nobody really wants to tackle. The topic of "refugees, asylum and migration" and other keywords can also be mentioned. It is to be expected, and possibly to be feared, that in the coming European election campaign the issue of “refugees, asylum and migration” will be ignited without any proposed solutions being reached that correspond to the European values ​​cited in Article 2 TEU. Deterring migrants may become a key campaign slogan. 

However, one topic should now be off the table - and that's a good thing: the mind games about leaving the European Union. What has been happening in Great Britain since Brexit should be a warning to most EU opponents. "Even the Conservative"Telegraph' recently admitted that nothing had been achieved as a result of Brexit. The dream of a new beginning seems over,” reports die Heilbronn voice on 31.1.23/XNUMX/XNUMX from London (headline: "Awakened from the Brexit dream").

However, one particularly serious event will keep Europe busy for a long time: Russia's illegal attack on Ukraine, which began on February 24.2.22, XNUMX and its consequences with the term Turning point to be discribed. The topic European security has become one of the hottest topics in Europe. In a magazine article, Chancellor describes Olaf Scholz can Turning point as "epochal tectonic change" that goes far beyond the war in Ukraine and on the subject European security goes out The central question is so Scholz: "How can we, as Europeans and as the European Union, remain independent actors in an increasingly multipolar world." (Foreign Affairs, January/February 2023: "The Global Era - How to Avoid a New Cold War in a Multipolar Era").

As convinced Europeans we have that European project again and again as Peace project described and were proud of the fact that for more than 70 years we have largely succeeded in preserving peace in Europe. In 2012, the European Union was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.  Putin's war ruined our pride and joy in receiving this award. No matter how the Ukraine war ends, the resulting distrust will remain for a long time. Europeans won't trust Russia for so long Putin  is in charge there. And what comes after that?

In view of the current situation in Europe, the Europa-Union Germany drew a sobering conclusion for the "Year of Youth 2022". "The impression often arises that politics is mainly made for older people and that the fundamental interests of younger people and future generations are neglected." However, pessimism about the future and whining should not be the focus of the European elections. A caption in the magazine Europe active of European Union Germany hits the core: "Now more than ever! Europa-Union and JEF are ready to face the challenges of the year 2023 and to make their contribution to a future worth living in a peaceful, free and democratic Europe" (Active Europe, No. 5/2022 – Publisher: Europa-Union Germany: "Sobering balance of the "Year of Youth").

A decision by the Bundestag makes me (born 1936) look forward to the European elections with hope: On November 10.11.22th, 18, the Bundestag changed the European Elections Act and lowered the minimum voting age from 16 to 1,4 years. This means that around 16 million 17- and 2024-year-old EU citizens can vote in the XNUMX European elections. However, this does not (yet) apply to participation in the Bundestag elections. This requires a two-thirds majority to amend the Basic Law, which apparently cannot be achieved in the Bundestag at present (Active Europe, No. 5/2022: “Bundestag resolves voting rights from the age of 16 in European elections; comment by Prof. Dr. Herman Heussner). And of course the same applies to the upcoming European elections: Only those who actually vote will have a say.

Heinrich Kümmerle reacted to this post.
Heinrich Kuemmerle

Page views: 3.723 | Today: 17 | Counting since October 22.10.2023, XNUMX
  • Addition: Inflation is stronger than before the euro?

    No. The euro has been around for 25 years. On average, the Eurosystem (ECB + national central banks) achieved the inflation target significantly better between 1999 and 2020 than was the case before. The phase of current inflation as a result of the Corona crisis and the supply bottlenecks and the energy crisis has driven up prices worldwide in 2021 and 2022. Inflation has been falling continuously since the end of 2022 and is approaching 2% again.
    In addition, the common currency has given Europe stability in various crises.
    The common currency supports the domestic market and has helped Germany achieve strong export performance.

  • I would like to add to the minutes of the “Europe Now!” discussion group that we participants also debated how “natural” Europe has become, especially for us younger people. Many of us don't know any different. Travel without borders, pay in euros, no customs fees when shopping online, we hardly know any other way. It is important to demonstrate these freedoms in order to arouse interest in Europe.
    Likewise, the majority of the group agreed that we are not afraid, but rather feel concern and uncertainty when we observe current developments.

    • As we were able to determine, the half-life of such rounds is not sufficient to fill a forum even remotely. Where non-binding has become a principle, you really have to think about completely new communication channels.