

Feature photo: Cecilia fountain with European flag

Despite or perhaps because of the sad world situation, I use the holidays to slow down a little. Interesting, especially for those who recently commented on my blog posts, that Pope Francis describes the situation as follows: "Today we are witnessing a Third World War."

Good music, walks and games with the family are a good change from the otherwise normal routine. It is also interesting that the increase in the number of people in the household increased the room temperature noticeably in a very short time, so that I had to turn down the radiators. Which now encourages me to think about what the optimal room size is for each person — completely independent of the perceived need for space.

Certainly, however, there is already a wide range of literature and probably also countless studies, I just don't know about them yet. If you already have more information on this, please feel free to send it to me.

The sight of the Cäcilienbrunnen, which was flagged according to my taste, was very pleasing today. Such flags would also look good in other places in our city! But I don't want to complain today, because the sight of the European flag in front of my old scout meeting point was something very special.

A fellow walker said very laconically that I shouldn't mention this in my weblog, because otherwise there is a risk that the flag will already have disappeared tomorrow. But I see it more positively and am already looking forward to discovering more European flags on the upcoming walks through the city.

The Cecilia fountain was once outside the city walls and as early as 1588 a water pipe ran from the fountain house there into the city, which supplied six public fountains, around 30 cisterns and a number of private fountains there. Due to the intensive management of the forest and fields around the city, the water quality is probably no longer sufficient today to still be considered drinking water - but at least its treatment will cause very high costs. And so it might not be a bad idea at all if our Heilbronn farmers and Wengerters used less pesticides and other chemicals, in any case it would do the quality of our wine quite well. Not to mention the insects, amphibians and reptiles that are scarcely to be found in the east of Heilbronn.

“The surrounding area involves dealing with the dialogical relationship between dream and reality. We must exploit the surrealistic potential hidden in our environment. It can be used to awaken basic feelings.”

Justus Dahinden, Man and Space (2005: 5)

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