

Feature photo: Snapshot from the Experimenta website | © Experimenta

Today my wife and I visited the Experimenta for the second time. Since we also bought annual tickets, this will not have been our last visit.

Although we have only been able to get a rough overview so far, we are both enthusiastic. Not only as parents, we would have wished for something like this for Heilbronn much earlier and we are happy for everyone who can now regularly experience this Science Center with their youngest ones and thus not only experience entertainment of the best kind, but also experience how theirs Children get knowledge and science conveyed in a playful way.

As a trained didactician, I am more than impressed by what has been achieved here in Heilbronn and am already starting to dream of part 3.

My conclusion: for us people from Heilbronn, the Experimenta is more than just a stroke of luck. None of us can really estimate how much this science center will affect the development of our children and thus also the entire city development.

Can't thank those responsible enough!

"We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology."

Carl Sagan, Why We Need To Understand Science In The Skeptical Inquirer (Vol. 14, #3, Spring 1990)

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