Europe is not an island


Post photo: Mediterranean Sea | © 8926 on Pixabay

Actually, a fact that is surprisingly often doubted by many of today's fellow citizens. Why this is so and what consequences one should draw from this fact is the subject of this article. Some of the arguments I made have already been made in previous posts such as thoughts on migration (2019) migratory movements (2015) or also Mediterranean drama (2015) listed. The causes of all these challenges, which seem too great for us today, are as old as human history itself and were therefore already a topic in one of my first contributions to the Integration (2005) and probably determine the majority of my further thoughts on this website.

Migration is part of the human being like selfishness, curiosity or appetite; without migration we would not exist today. Migration is always happening and most people hardly notice it because of our limited lifetime and selective perception.

We humans have always migrated more slowly or a little faster to regions from which we expect more for ourselves. For the past few thousand years we have also, and inevitably nowadays, encountered other people who already live locally.

That this is not always to the advantage of the people who originally lived there can be reported by the so-called "natives" from America or Australia, whose ancestors were victims of the law of the strongest and who are still victims today. This fact can hardly be denied and deserves a post of its own. It is important for us to acknowledge that we “Europeans” have suppressed, dominated or exploited other people for centuries.

Another fact is and its denial will be a “death sentence” for all of us, namely that we “Europeans” now make up barely 30% of what used to be a good 5% of the world population, whereby the migration movement towards Europe in recent decades has already been taken into account.

The denial of the fact that we Europeans, as we still exist today, are an obsolete model only helps those who will no longer live to see this end and who lived their own existence to the end of their own existence according to the motto "After me lived the deluge have” (1). It is precisely these fellow citizens who do not deserve such “care”, which also culminates in the assertion that Europe is an island that also only revolves around these people themselves.

The beginning of the end of old Europe can be tied to two events. On the one hand in the further and continuous emigration of Europeans to areas that promise them more, and on the other hand in the situation of mutual "bleeding dry" caused by us Europeans, which ensured from 1914 to 1945 that all European peoples were so weakened emerged from these wars and henceforth only play a minor role in world history.

Since that time, it has also been evident that we “old Europeans” are becoming fewer and fewer, and since the 1970s at the latest it has been a fact that the birth rate is far from sufficient to support our original peoples as we know them from the 19th century. and 20th century to keep alive. One must now also assume that this situation is irreversible, i.e. irreversible.

In doing so, however, we created a "vacuum" which, as is well known, means that others are pushing harder, especially since these are areas that are still among the most attractive in our world.

In addition, since the 1950s at the latest, we have been attracting more and more people, first from the European fringes and now from all over the world, in order to maintain our production and our standard of living as well as to secure our pensions and care needs in old age.

The problem here is not the inevitable influx of people from other areas to our homeland, but the way in which we deal with migration, integration, assimilation or even inclusion.

To rouse even the last egomaniac from their dreams, there is no fence, wall or ditch that can prevent people from picking the cherries in the neighbor's garden. Also, 5% of the world's population will not be able to stop the rest, even at gunpoint, from moving to areas they consider more attractive than their own regions of origin.

The only thing that would help is to make our homeland so unattractive that no one wants to come anymore, which means that we then all "make it over" ourselves, wherever. And in the end other people would come along who would seize the opportunity and realize their own dreams in our former home.

Therefore, we all need to recognize that the world will move on, with or without us, and people will move to areas that seem more attractive to them.

That's why we have to remember that between 1944 and 1947 we laid the foundations for how we can and must deal with these circumstances, in order ultimately to create a world for ourselves that is still worth living in and that one day we won't be in will lead the fate that we other people z. B. in America and Australia.

That is why we must also remember the treaties that we have played a major role in dictating to the world, which are intended not only to ensure survival for all, but also prosperity for at least most of us; including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) and European Fundamental Rights for less than 10% of the world's population (2009).

With the NATO treaty (1949) we Europeans were able to save ourselves from the hostile takeover by the Soviets, which would have made us all mere work slaves, and which further ensures that we Europeans are not dominated by the current and future world powers.

With the Treaty of Rome (1957) we Europeans agreed that on the one hand we European Integration to ensure our people's survival in the truest sense of the word through cooperation and efficiency gains, and on the other hand by providing responsible support to Africa - and also other parts of the world - by strengthening them on the ground, ultimately preventing them from migrating uncontrolled to Europe.

With the signing of the treaties, all signatories agreed that Europe will succeed in recovering from the nationalist catastrophes and will continue to maintain its place in the world, but this time as an equal partner. In addition, the signatories were certain that we can secure a place for every people in a common world and that the future European federal state will also be able to control and coordinate larger migration movements.

Unfortunately, contrary to all expectations in Europe, the nationalists have once again asserted themselves after the first successes of European integration and have ensured that not only is European unification slowed down and already being revised, but also support for the development of other regions of the world to the absolute minimum has been reduced.

As a result, the "migration pressure" on Europe is increasing, and Europe's opportunities to react to this together have not been created. This is leading back to the current situation and will no longer be under our control in a few years at the latest. Then we Europeans are at least part of the problem and others will control our fortunes in the future. It is doubtful whether they will then grant us what we have always denied them.

It is wrong to cling to the myth of the "Island of Europe" and the superiority of its inhabitants.

What is catastrophic for all of us is that politicians exaggerate this myth into a single lie and promise the population that through border closures, orders to shoot and deportations, they will be able to preserve their beloved countries, countries that have long since ceased to exist and which are only on drips of the European Union and the World Bank hanging alive.

It is correct that we are countering the situation, which is now becoming ever more acute, by beginning to comply with treaties and agreements, finally creating the federal state of Europe, even if we have to do without individual countries for the time being.

And because the world has meanwhile moved on for a good 70 years and the nationalists have thus further increased the damage to our European peoples, we must obey the emerging “emergency” as we did back in 1945 and take the initiative again and go quite logically and consistently Set goals:

  • Morocco must get a signal to join
  • Turkey must be assured of accession subject to very specific conditions,
  • the Magreb and also the Middle East must be given accession prospects.

In this way we pacify these regions, secure our current opposite coasts in the south, reduce the pressure of migration and can better control the necessary migration to Europe again.

In this way, we are also creating the conditions for getting Europe back to a size that, with around 10% of the world's population, will then also have a long-term perspective as an independent entity with its own values ​​and ideas. Otherwise, our Europe will dissolve into general goodwill and future Europeans will look back on us as we look back on the ancient Greeks today.

(1) This statement is from Mme de Pompadour, who said the following after the Battle of Roßbach:

"Apres nous le deluge."

Madame de Pompadour (November 5, 1757)

"Tout est dit, et l'on vient trop tard depuis plus de sept mille ans qu'il ya des hommes qui pensent."

Jean de La Bruyere, Des Ouvrages de l'Esprit
Europe is for everyone!

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