It is time!


Post photo: Mediterranean Sea | © 8926 on Pixabay

Individual member states of the European Union are already more or less openly committed to dictatorship and racism. New anti-democrats are marching in most countries, and old Nazis and communists who were thought dead are crawling out of their holes to join other totalitarians in singing the rising Götterdämmerung.

For Jews, Sinti & Roma, asylum seekers and also for self-confessed democrats, Christians and Muslims, isolated no-go zones are already being set up by criminal subjects in the EU.

Hence my proposal to EU politicians for this summer. Just the "Federalist Papers“Read from the years 1787f, that Hertenstein program from 1946 and over the years 1957 – reflect to date.

Sitting together after returning to the European Parliament and, as a result, presenting the federal state of Europe, including a new constitution, to the 28 national parliaments for approval.

It would not surprise me if the majority of the population in most statesurging kickers to sign. And the remaining states could also contribute productively as privileged partner countries in a kind of free trade zone.

What politicians like Konrad Adenauer, Alcide De Gasperi, Robert Schuman or Paul Henri Spaak succeeded in much more difficult times, our politicians – who, by the way, have longer professional experience – should also be able to succeed!

Especially since most citizens know with certainty that there is no viable alternative to it.

It really is time that our elected representatives took the initiative, and before charlatans took over and sent Europe's youth to the slaughter again.

"Time is something I have nothing else but."

Walter Huston as Sam Dodsworth in Dodsworth (1936)

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