Thirty Years' War


Post photo: Hell | © Amy on Pixabay

The first Thirty Years' War is still familiar to all of us - at least in our social memory - even though it ended in 1648. As we know, a good 30 percent of the population fell victim to the war.

The Second Thirty Years' War took place in the last century and cost the lives of almost 100 million people worldwide. This second war, however, was more or less orderly.

Now the next Thirty Years' War is upon us and will make us forget the two previous wars. This time, however, we are neither prepared for it, nor will it be fought according to old European customs (Hague Conventions on Land Warfare or international humanitarian law).

What makes matters worse is that the front lines will not run along the country's borders from the start, but right from the start in the streets of our own cities and towns. Whether Grey Wolves, Islamist terrorists, Reich Citizens or Russian mass murderers, the future enemies are already living among us!

Neither the EU nor the Federal Republic will be able to protect us citizens. Quite the opposite, we have to use our own tax money to support and prop up the murderers and rapists whose names are already known!

As we all know, the stupidest calves choose their own butchers.

"Some people in key positions worry me. They do their work, guided only by their inner talent, without knowledge of the clan's traditions and without being able to clearly distinguish between right and wrong."

Yamamoto Tsunetomo, Hagakure (2012 [1716]: 134)

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