movie buffs


Post photo: Moviegoers | © Amit Kumar on Pixabay 

These are the fellow citizens who can look forward to films that the majority of people don't even know exist.

Such a film is probably also "The Good Earth’ from 1937, the year of my own parents’ birth, by the way.

I remembered this film because... Paul muni, the actor of the protagonist Wang Lung, which says the following in the film:

"What use is a good thought if no one agrees with it?"

Wang Lung

A statement that you should let melt in your mouth quite often.

But soon my wife and I will be making a pilgrimage to two films again, on the one hand in “Star Wars 9” (film release: December 19, 2019) and on the other hand in “No Time To Die” (film release: April 2, 2020), only and simply because we have already seen the corresponding previous versions.

And this behavior should also make us humans think!

By the way, for those who like to deal with numbers, it should be noted that mine previously in a post mentioned film is from 1973. A film that I saw with my grandmother for the first time when it came out in our cinemas. Which says more about my grandmother than about me and shows that the modern, emancipated woman is not a recent phenomenon.

"I like wearing a blindfold while watching movies, so that I can focus on the dialogue. My favorite flicks are the silent movies.”

Jarod Kintz, This Book is not for SALE (2011)

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