Citizens consultation hour


Post photo: Office hours | © Pixabay

For a few weeks now, I've also had an open ear for everyone in Heilbronn during a weekly citizens' consultation hour.

In the meantime, my list of urgent or medium-term virulent challenges is getting longer and longer. I'm only surprised that at least some of these "deficiencies" that have obviously existed for a long time are hardly or not at all addressed in a public discussion.

It is now a matter of prioritizing these issues in cooperation with my fellow citizens, then tackling them one by one, also trying to find viable solutions for them.

Now I hope that my fellow citizens will give me the chance to get actively involved in this.

"Entre ce que je pense, ce que je veux dire, ce que je crois dire, ce que je dis, ce que vous avez envie d'entendre, ce que vous entendez, ce que vous comprenez ... Il est possible qu'on ait des difficultés à communiquer … Mais essayons quand même!”

Bernard Werber, L'Encyclopédie du savoir relative et absolute (1993)

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