coincidence or coincidence? Between causality and synchronicity
Something happens or you meet someone that somehow seems to make sense without there being a reasonable explanation for it.
At home in Europe and at home in Heilbronn.
Something happens or you meet someone that somehow seems to make sense without there being a reasonable explanation for it.
At the turn of the year 2022-23, there were riots in various major German cities. Violence, illegal firecrackers, attacks on firefighters trying to limit damage, etc.
Apart from the neuter, the German language has two genders (male and female). Gender studies assume there are about 60, in addition one must distinguish between gender (gender identity and gender roles) and sex (biological sex).
I once made the crazy attempt to summarize 400 years of Franco-German history on two pages. Even if some things certainly had to be presented in a very shortened form, I hope I have worked out some essential features quite properly
The first round of the French presidential elections has taken place. Macron has a not very big but still reassuring lead over Le Pen, he'll probably be re-elected, all right?