From the Bundeswehr


Feature photo: Military camps in Bosnia

Here you will find two ideal-typical CVs from two different eras of the Bundeswehr, one from the Bonn Republic and the other from the Berlin Republic, which were recently summarized under the title "The federal government is to blame for everything" and published on the World Wide Web.

Personally, I find both so appropriate that I was happy to share this story on my websites. Based on the reactions, not only from my circle of comrades, it can be seen that both clearly speak for their time at the time and consequently were and still are to be found in a similar way outside of the Bundeswehr.


Robert M. from H. is doing military service. Robert oversleeps and is late for work.

Back then, 1973

His spear commands him to himself. He makes him stand still and in a loud voice lectures him on his duties. Robert must perform a private on duty (GvD) additional duty. His comrades laugh.

Robert provides the GvD service. In future he will be punctual in order to look better in front of his comrades. He doesn't want to experience such a "shit" from the spit again.

After the end of his military service, his future employer was impressed by Robert's reliability and punctuality. He gets a position of trust and a raise.

Robert tells everyone that he learned a lot of good things during his time in the army.

Today, 2011

Roberts Spiess reports the facts to the company commander. He informs the person of trust, the equal opportunities officer, the military chaplain and the social service. The notification of a BV (special event) directly to the BM (Federal Minister) will be checked. The superiors are questioned about possible misconduct. The skewer is recalled for his protection because he may have violated his official duties. The rosters for the past ten years are reviewed.

The Commander of the Army High Command (HFüKdo) has the need for a punctual start of service in peacetime operations examined. An interrogation by the inspector in charge fails because Robert is late again that day. The battalion commander is transferred. The company commander does not become a career soldier. The skewer is committed to FU 6 (Psychiatry Department) with symptoms of depression. Staff of the Commissioner for the Armed Forces are on site. The Defense Committee is looking into the matter. The investigation is still ongoing.

Robert has meanwhile completed his compulsory military service as one of the last of his kind and is discharged.

The Bild newspaper reports on leadership weaknesses in the Bundeswehr.

Robert thinks oversleeping isn't a bad thing. He also oversleeps several times at his new employer. He then dismisses him.

Today Robert is a HARTZ IV recipient.

Robert tells everyone that the Bundeswehr is to blame.

My Conclusion

I still have fond memories of the everyday greeting of one of my company sergeants:

"Good morning men and non-jumpers!"

A skewer of the Bundeswehr

As a kind of encore, I list below the three most important military rules that are also valid worldwide:

  1. If we don't know what we are doing, the enemy certainly can't anticipate our future actions!
  2. The beating will continue until morale improves.
  3. If you are not used to succeed at your first try…never skydive.

"Supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

Sunzi, The Art of War

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