willing to work


Post photo: Employee of the Month | © Shutterstock

Recently I have to read again that there are no work-shy people in our country. “People want to work”, is the in the news today an expert is quoted as saying. And then they skillfully point out that tax evaders [and all other criminals] are much more numerous and much worse.

I'm really fed up with this ideological dumbing down of the people!

Yes, tax evaders - no matter what kind, the many patrons and honorary citizens are bad people - and all other criminals are no better. But that distracts from the fact that far too many people live at the expense of the general public and do nothing to maintain our society, let alone our state.

The whole dilemma has been made worse by the socialists who, on the one hand, define man solely by work and, on the other hand, want to make those same people believe that they do not have to work.

The whole thing was made worse by the fact that our society had far too much to offer for far too long, and people increasingly came to believe that they were living in a land of milk and honey. And that is also the only reason why we are such a popular travel destination all over the world: here you have all the rights, but not a single obligation!

But now back to the many people willing to work who also like to hang around in my home town. Actually, my working life is long behind me - especially because I have never defined myself through work - but work is waiting, even lurking, for us Heilbronners in every corner of our town, and you have to be very clever to always avoid it!

If you really want to, you can't avoid work here - but you have to want it. And really anyone can find work here, even if it's just moving cupboards and shelves, like I will be doing in a few days, or driving trucks, or at least cars, swimming and bathing supervision, janitorial services and, for the more demanding citizens among us, homework help, tutoring, teaching and lecturing. These are just a few of the jobs that are urgently needed in Heilbronn around the clock and all year round. And I'm not even talking about the many vacancies in trades and industry, which also promise very lucrative wages.

A friend of mine can't even find any unskilled workers for his company, even though he pays more than the standard rate - it's just not possible to work from home and it can also happen that you have to work after 16.00 p.m.

It is really urgent that something changes for us!

“By labour power or working capacity we understand the epitome of the physical and mental abilities that exist in the corporeality, the living personality of a human being, and which he sets in motion whenever he produces use values ​​of any kind.”

Karl Marx, Capital, Volume One (1976: 181)

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