


With Christmas just around the corner, even the laziest officials and employees wake up. And so that there are really no delays in your own holiday planning, you can get creative. For example, the Ministry of Education lifted compulsory attendance at schools before Christmas.

The tenor is clear and is understood by everyone. "Dear teachers, students and annoying parents, do what you want, but above all, don't do any work for us!"

It is quite enough that when our civil servants and employees return from their well-deserved Christmas vacation, they look at how the overall situation has developed and then decide whether the schools should be subject to compulsory attendance again or whether they should not It would be better to close all schools and build on the proven "homeschooling" again.

Buga Bridge

We only really have to think about the completion of the "slowest flash of all time" (Heilbronner Voice, December 09.12.2021th, 26: XNUMX) if the mayor has already been elected and the opening ceremony was not an election campaign event.

However, we should think about the fact that, after everything had already been thought through in 2014, we are now considering how best to integrate the bridge into its immediate surroundings. In this regard, it can be seen as a glimmer of hope that the responsible mayor has now recognized that the site has a "difficult topography".


Overall, we should have more courage and at least get rid of things that are completely superfluous. So it's a long time since we finally closed one regional airport after the other and used the site more sensibly. This saves us enormous amounts of tax money, and it also benefits nature and environmental protection.

The situation is similar in our ministries, although even those directly involved find it difficult to name the countless ministries. The new federal government has clearly missed opportunities here and made it very clear right from the start that awakening, change, change, future and progress are not terms that will be booming in the next four years.


painting of the day

Edward Hopper: Nighthawks (January 21, 1942)

birthday of the day

John Milton

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