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Midterms 2022

Large parts of Congress were re-elected in the midterm elections in the USA. 35 of the 100 Senate seats and all 435 seats in the House of Representatives were up for voting. A vote was also taken on 36 governorships and other political representatives at the level of individual states.

Apparently, the Republicans did not achieve an overwhelming victory, as expected. In any case, for Joe Biden governing will become significantly more difficult, as the Republicans will probably nevertheless and as expected win the majority in the House of Representatives. And even in the Senate, the majority of Democrats secured solely by the Vice President could be lost.

And so I will watch the further development in the coming days with excitement and am already looking forward to a corresponding contribution from Hans Müller.


Projects rule our lives, so I'm a firm believer that once you complete your last project, you cease to exist. However, the reverse conclusion that you can live with unfinished projects forever is deceptive — those who are interested know that a time limit is inherent in a project.

Thanks Detlef Stern I have now started another project and, as he promised, this is getting more and more exciting every day. And if everything goes well, the completion of the project will be a whole new project — we humans grow with our tasks, one could also speak of projects here.

European regular's table

In the course of yesterday's European regulars' table, we were able to hammer in a few nails and so we are all looking forward to the upcoming committee meetings, where we can present our new ideas. "You should do the new but not leave out the old" was one of the demands of those present at the European regulars' table, and so we already have the projects for the coming year wrapped up at the beginning of November 2022.

But strange things are also addressed and discussed at such regulars' tables. So it's really amazing that some of our Europe-enthusiastic people in Heilbronn are not aware of our event dates. It's probably the easiest if you come to the monthly European regulars' table, because then you will inevitably be informed about all the dates — usually you are directly involved in finding the content and dates yourself; and so, among other things, Thomas also gets his BUGA visit in Mannheim. Another possibility is to subscribe to the monthly newsletter of EUROPA-UNION Heilbronn; this succeeds quite easily if one on check the website there under association and then leaves his own email address there. Of course you can also go to the Calendar from Kümmerle's weblog look, because there you will also find all dates listed. And if you consider that the members of the association are also informed about the most important dates by post, then you can ask yourself why interested fellow citizens don't notice the dates that are advertised for a good year. But this is probably the great mystery of our time.

Last but not least, there are also the applications and tips on social media and sometimes also from the voice of Heilbronn. Not to mention the well-tried Busch-Funk. That's why I continue to firmly believe that if you really want to, you don't have to miss any event at the EUROPA-UNION Heilbronn.

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7 thoughts on "9.11.02022"

    1. If it meets the criteria of a project: "A project is a unique process, consisting of a set of coordinated and controlled activities, with start and finish dates, carried out to achieve a goal, taking into account time, cost and resource constraints that meets specific requirements.” (EN ISO 9000:2005)

      1. Let's go to the "Time Thieves" project! While household books were kept in the olden days, today modern software tools can help us to have a better overview of time, costs and resources in order to counteract them more effectively.

          1. Work in progress, works fine.
            And if you use the saved resources in a meaningful way, the benefits are doubled 😊

  1. Projects are also a useful tool. We shouldn't take it too German and always keep Paracelsus' definition of quantity in mind.

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