7. Hertenstein Talks


Feature photo: 3th Hertenstein Talks

This evening my better half and I brought the European party Deco to the Brenner dance school. Registered participants will receive a few more details today, including the current program flyer.

John Marsia has made his lecture text available in French and German. The German language text can be found already in the forum. Walter Heipertz will contribute an introductory text for his “Encounter” discussion group so that the participants can prepare a little. The participants should have received a corresponding email from me by the end of today at the latest.

Tomorrow afternoon there will be a final preparatory meeting for the moderators of the Federalist Forum discussions. In between, the usual party favors, lists, signs and some kind of presenter's kit still need to be organized or created.

Registrations have now stabilized at around 90 participants and speakers and moderators who were canceled at short notice have been replaced. And so are they these Hertenstein conversations very exciting in advance. This tension will continue to rise in the coming days and, at least for the organizers, will decrease a little as the talks begin - but then they will also be in demand as speakers, moderators or discussants and the tension will rise again.

Following the idea of ​​the Hertensteiner Talks, no one knows until the end where this year's talks will lead - the participants alone decide that. In any case, it is ensured that the participants take short breaks during the discussions or, if desired, can continue to exchange ideas in new discussion groups. The Parkhotel offers the ideal environment and, if the weather permits, the terrace is another opportunity to fully enjoy the conversations.

A Cisterscapes information stand with Dietmar Gretter, the French Consul General Gaël de Maisonneuve and dr Lana Mayer from Europe Direct Stuttgart are already available for further discussions. Other EUROPA-UNION district chairmen are also prepared to present their respective district associations and the variety of events offered there all year round.

In addition to six hours in six discussion groups, further discussions take place, so that each participant has up to eight hours of opportunities for discussion and exchange. The previous rounds of discussions have shown that these offers are being used and that most participants in the evening are more than satisfied with the results of the discussion.

After a short break, we go to the Brenner Dance School for a cozy evening. EUROPEAN UNION member Klaus Brenner has already prepared a lot for the European party.

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