Post photo: voting booths | © Alexandru Nika, Shutterstock
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election day
Today the 60th election for President and Vice President of the United States of America is being held. Without question, this is the most important election of the year — worldwide!
Unlike in Germany, there is no forecast after the polls close and no projections during the count. However, if historical results and pre-election polls indicate that a candidate is unlikely to win in a state, then the major US television stations will announce a winner. These statements are considered to be very reliable, and the stations maintain so-called decision desks with experienced experts.
In Pennsylvania (19 electoral votes), which can be considered one of the most important swing states, the counting of postal votes can only begin on election day at 7.00 a.m. (it is already 13.00 p.m. here). It may take days until all ballots have been counted in the 50 states - without recounts. One thing is certain, however: the Republicans will claim the election on the same day or, if the US Democrats are clearly ahead, will reject the election on election day with the slogan "Stop the Steal" - civil war-like conditions can be expected.
Because of the time difference, polling stations in the USA are closing gradually, although in our country this will be between midnight and six in the morning, so it will already be Wednesday!
The first results from the swing states could come from Michigan, Georgia and North Carolina. If these go to the Republicans, Kamala Harris like back then Hillary Clinton admit defeat very early on.
Jean Asselborn was recently in Heilbronn and I hope that he was also allowed to sign the city’s golden book; it is not very often that real statesmen find their way to Heilbronn. Interesting how he immediately described our city as “backward-looking” and this despite Dieter schwarz so much in buildings. Investing in education for all would simply be more effective - but we will not release any funds for the maintenance of our schools or even sports facilities in the future. And certainly not for the promotion of maturity and democracy. We stick to our motto: "More show than substance" and "The main thing is that the backpack is tight".
The word of the day, however, is "Talahon," which only exists in a unisex form and is used for immature, stupid and completely useless people. So now I also know what to call the weirdos who drive up and down the avenue in over-motorized vehicles or chase pensioners on the sidewalks of this city with e-scooters.
The secrecy in Heilbronn Town Hall continues to flourish, whether it is about the current referendum or just the district youth council. Only Heilbronn VIPs, who are known to like to "meet" in all kinds of back rooms, are informed about these facts. What is really annoying, however, is that we citizens are not given any interim information on the referendum due to the town hall's "neutrality". It is precisely because of this alleged "neutrality" that the town hall does not inform us citizens about the referendum. This could be done regularly in the Heilbronn town newspaper, for example - no, it should be!
If you don't just look at all of this individually, then even as an external observer you will quickly realize that we in Heilbronn still have a very long way to go.
Worth listening to
I gave my last 5 cents to the US election campaign yesterday. And we all have to wait for today's result. Nevertheless, I would like to thank my readers Bernie Sanders' final words on the election campaign - by the way, the apostrophe is still correctly placed according to the current Duden opinion, although this can change hourly with the Duden editorial team.
Bernie Sanders is a thoroughbred politician whose convictions I do not often share, but who is overall an upright democrat and true philanthropist. And he too still tries to persuade one or two US voters to vote with his “two cents” (formerly about 5 cents) and it would not be Bernie Sanders if he did not make his own recommendation: “As this presidential campaign comes to an end, let me say a few words.”
The Call from the Editorial Board of the New York Times I had already placed a hyperlink behind the map yesterday. The problem is that GOP voters are unlikely to read the New York Times and another is that the New York Times editors took a clear position much too late. In contrast to Bernie Sanders Their appeal is just a fig leaf to later deny any guilt of their own. In doing so, the unspeakable activities Donald Trumps and his cronies, at least since January 6, 2021, have had to portray themselves much more clearly in all media and, as a democrat, also evaluate them.
Even if serious criminals and scoundrels are more entertaining than the ordinary working population, it is still the media's duty to tell consumers the truth. Good journalism has nothing to do with court reporting and if you want to get rich as a journalist, you'd be better off going into advertising.
dark night poem
Charles Bukowski, The Pleasures of the damned (2008: 9)
they say that
nothing is wasted:
either that
it all is.
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One thought on "5.11.02024"
The radio channels were also full of coverage of the US election the following day. The music between the reports is a real eye-catcher when Rodgers and Hart's "The lady is a tramp" is played. What could the editor in charge have been thinking? A distant reminiscence of another presidential bully who once led the royal visitor from the UK onto the dance floor in the White House to this tune? His term in office remained unfinished. Let us take note of it benevolently as a sign and a wonder...