Article photo: Deutsche Bahn
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Finally I managed to finish the second part of Beetlejuice Watch it in the cinema - great cinema. My fellow viewers and I only disagreed on one thing, namely whether the second part was better than the first or whether it was the other way around.
Without a doubt, films by Tim Burton are usually great cinema, and this time was no exception. Jenna Ortega played her role as daughter quite well and Danny DeVito also fit into the setting. Instead of Willem Dafoe I would have preferred the old line-up; here Tim Burton applied a little too much — it can happen.
Catherine O'Hara, Winona Ryder and Michael Keaton did not disappoint. The latter probably ensured that the bio-exorcist Betelgeuse now seems to have become a very nice guy. The explanation that all his evil is only Monica Bellucci I buy that she is to blame, especially when you know that her role is solely based on a relationship with Tim Burton to thank for.
My conclusion: I will watch this film again soon.
But now I am looking forward to “Les Contes d'Hoffmann“, because the Met Live in HD season starts again tomorrow.
If you go on a journey, you can tell a story, especially if it's with Deutsche Bahn. OK, it's actually a political problem, which incompetent politicians first wanted to make politics out of and now they've come up with the crazy idea of putting even more strain on an inadequate rail infrastructure by offering cheap services. Shortly before the general election, our parties will probably agree to make rail travel completely free and, because there's no money left, to stop all trains.
In any case, our train from Stuttgart was already overcrowded, at least two cyclists pushed their electric cars into my back, while others made sure my clothes were completely messed up with their mountain bikes - consideration was completely out of place, the main thing was self-fulfillment at the expense of others! From Karlsruhe onwards we were piled up on the second floor, with the cyclists, who by the way should not have been allowed to travel according to the announcements by the train staff, claiming the rest of the train for themselves.
The planned change in Appenweier then revealed the complete railway chaos. We tried to get on the first train, but as not all of us could get on the train and tragedies were taking place on the train and on the platform, we got off at the first opportunity. Others streamed back on the train. At some point the train actually started moving and hundreds of passengers were left on the platform. I calmed my fellow passengers down, as the next train was already on its way and we were now standing right on the platform. But far from it, more crowds of people suddenly crowded onto the platform and to make matters worse, this train arrived completely overcrowded. As we are among the more polite people, we managed not to get on the train this time either - we counted it as a success not to have been pushed under the train.
The same thing happened with the third train, so we left the platform and organized taxis for ourselves.
I recommend my readers to avoid Deutsche Bahn as much as possible and also to read the article “Ungebremst ins Desaster” by Mark Schieritz in Die Zeit (Die Zeit, No. 42, 2.10.2024: 19). He ends his article with the note: "Life is a construction site."
I maintain that this will remain true as long as we do not hold our politicians accountable for their misdeeds!
I've never been one to celebrate on October 3rd, so this time I just took a break. I've never been able to make friends with people who constantly change their tune to suit the wind. And as we're currently seeing, the wind is once again turning towards dictatorship, and it's not just Germany's east that's turning with it.
On this day in particular, many people are again officially clinging to the myth of a peaceful revolution and are being celebrated for things that they themselves never contributed to. Unfortunately, it has always been like this, for example in 1945, when almost all French people became resistance fighters overnight. We Germans preferred to be content with not knowing anything about it. But in 1989 we could not use that as an excuse and simply adopted the better French model.
And so we all celebrate ourselves as resistance fighters, take the Austrians with us and continue to trust that if things go wrong again later, we will not have known anything about it - some people really do want to learn something from their past, or at least that is what was once suspected. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
“What you have accomplished will only become apparent when you are on your last legs.”
Seneca, Book 3, Letter 26 (2018: 187)
6 thoughts on "4.10.02024"
Hello Heinrich! I read your thoughts on October 3.10rd with great interest.
October 3.10rd is not my holiday; October 3.10rd was decided by stupid politicians. We took to the streets on October 9.10.1989th, 80 (not for the first time) — in Leipzig. There were 000 people who knew exactly what could have happened — in the face of the Stasi henchmen, the NVA tanks that had rolled up, and the combat groups with Kalashnikovs and fixed bayonets.
We knew that a decision would be made that day, one way or another. We knew that everything could have ended in a bloodbath. Nevertheless, we overcame our fear because the hatred of the party, the Stasi and the GDR had become enormous, because people had fled en masse because there was no way out. That takes courage, after all, because the Russians had occupied us for 44 years.
You in the West never had to endure the Russians, and I wonder if you ever had a peaceful revolution.
We said goodbye that day, my day of the peaceful revolution, and exchanged addresses. And yet it was a great stroke of luck that everything turned out well... there were level-headed people, including politicians and Gorbachev. On October 9.10.1989, XNUMX, the fate of the GDR was sealed. Those who had been civil rights activists at the time were dismissed, and those who had been submissive up to that point came out of their hiding places.
Mrs Merkel was also one of those who jumped on the moving bandwagon, like so many pipes and recorders that then determined our destiny and so it came to be that East Germany continues to live like this.
A major mistake was that the communists were not banned immediately, as was the case with the Nazis in East and West after 1945, who were still in charge after that. With this radical approach, the extremes could have been eliminated once and for all - indeed, they should have been. But West German politicians (Kohl) also have some responsibility for why that didn't happen.
These are just a few of my thoughts on October 9.10.1989, XNUMX. It was a happy day in my life; very few people experience something like that, that they have defeated evil, at least temporarily.
Dear Andreas, thank you for your comment. I still think it's good that there were a few democrats in the GDR, although most of them were already dead (including in 1953) or lived in the West. I am firmly convinced that by 1989 everything was already over! Since 1986 at the latest, everyone knew that this was what was going to happen, but nobody knew how best to do it. And so - because politicians continued to hesitate - in 1989 most of the communists and ordinary followers became "freedom fighters".
Knowing you, you really did take to the streets for freedom and democracy. Those who could be heard from outside, however, called without hesitation for "DM, vacation and the land of milk and honey."
And as soon as these fellow citizens realized that in the West you have to work for everything and also perform well, they mutated into anti-democrats again. Similar to the West, where many - far too many (!) - have always been and still are "bought democrats".
Mystery solved. They were just extras and undercover filming for the dystopia “Platform of Horror”. Internationally known as “Track 9 from outer space”.
“Bless the beasts and children!” A good analysis should not be left without an apostrophe.
Should I have let the buffalo run? 😉 — some of them even get lost almost in front of their “own” front door. 🙂
At least all goals were achieved. It depends on the perspective and everyone is different 😎