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It is gratifying that a Heilbronn lawyer does not want a neo-Nazi in his law firm Sickenberger Rehmet Frauenknecht.

What is less pleasing is that the local council — just because it is once again trying to tap into funding pots — is clinging to a “Partnership for Democracy”, which then also ties up at least one full-time employee in the town hall, true to the motto: “we do everything except administration”, but continues to tolerate a Nazi portrait in the town hall.

And so I am waiting for the federal government to finally create a funding program that subsidizes states and municipalities when they remove Nazi and SED memorabilia from public spaces, especially town halls — after almost 80 and 40 years, respectively, it is about time.


The Greater Germans voted and made their FPÖ the strongest force. It campaigned with the Fortress Austria, which Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler However, they only built it in vain at the end of their own rule. The FPÖ now also wants to push through "remigration". I am curious to see how they will bring their fellow countrymen from Germany back "home to the Reich" - a "small German solution", so to speak.

Whether the Bavarian border police allow Austrian capture teams to enter the country or whether they carry out this task in the context of a good bilateral relationship? — this could then be recorded as a successful deportation in Bavaria.

The FPÖ General Secretary Michael Schneiderlitz is quoted as saying: “The Austrians have made history today.” I will now translate the whole thing into German for my readers: “The Austrians have shit on history today.” — another “bird shit,” so to speak.

But let's not start blaming the Austrians again, because we have examples like that too - the East Germans. It would be better to look for explanations. And so it could well be that the whole misery is based on a pure misunderstanding. When the first Christians changed the world with the command: "You shall love your neighbour as yourself" (Matthew 22:37-39), they probably did not yet know about those tribes that dissolve in pure self-hatred.

And so, even today, far too many people follow this second commandment of Jesus with full conviction - they hate everything as much as they hate themselves!

Long weekend

Some bloggers have long weeks, I had a long weekend. This one started with a missed coffee, which I like to have on Fridays with Detlef Stern because I just couldn't manage to free up an hour or two. But now I've got the hospital going back and forth pretty well under control, and my usual daily routine has changed a lot.

On Friday evening I was at least able to take part in the European bowling, and I used this opportunity to make a few necessary arrangements. However, I had to give up a few dance lessons and swimming that I had grown fond of. Saturday was reserved for further meetings, which I was able to complete between trips to the hospital. It is gratifying that we now have the 2025 European Ball in the bag and that the 9th Hertenstein Talks are already off to a good start.

And somehow I was able to squeeze in a donation trip with the meseno bus, this time collecting clothing and donations in kind instead of food. First thing this morning, it's time to pick up the food again.

Sunday morning was spent making the final arrangements for the trip to Strasbourg next week. From midday onwards I was back at the hospital and, in addition to preparing for my lectures, I had to catch up on the correspondence that had been left behind and, instead of dancing, I wrote a monthly newsletter.

But there was also something new, because after I had just come to terms with the fact that I would soon be a great-uncle, which once again confirms the normal course of life: “one goes and one comes”, I now had to accept that I would not only be a father, but soon also a father-in-law — probably the “warning order” for Grandpa.

Since my days only have 24 hours and I would like to have a free weekend again, I will have to look for somewhere where I can "free myself" a little - in any case, I will have to give up one of my two club chairmanships in October.

And so it remains exciting and I am already a little curious to see whether I am the only one who has prepared for Tuesday or whether one or two students also believe that being prepared makes it easier to get through life. It is good to know that what was not possible on Friday will now be possible on Tuesday, namely a cup of coffee together with Detlef Stern.

“There is no question of ever accepting Nazi representatives in the Austrian cabinet. An absolute abyss separates Austria from Nazism. We do not like arbitrary power, we want law to rule our freedom. We reject uniformity and centralization. …Christendom is anchored in our very soil, and we know but one God: and that is not the State, or the Nation, or that elusive thing, Race. Our children are God's children, not to be abused by the state. We abhor terror; Austria has always been a humanitarian state. As a people, we are tolerant by predisposition. Any change now, in our “status quo”, could only be for the worse.”

Kurt Schuschnigg, London Morning Telegraph (January 5.1.1938, XNUMX)

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