

Post photo: Crafts | © Bettina Kümmerle

Dance evening

At the end of an exciting day there were a few dances at the Brenner dance school. It's not just the dance evenings there that are recommended. My better half and I are currently trying out Tango Argentino - whether this is still the right dance for long-term married couples remains to be seen.

In any case, you also meet very nice other dance enthusiasts there and so the atmosphere is always great.


It's that time again and two circulars are about to be written. The EUROPE-UNION circular went out yesterday. For the second circular, which addresses the members of the Free Voters Heilbronn, I am still waiting for one or two confirmations. This can then also be sent during the day.

And when it comes to newsletters, my trend is towards less rather than more. I would very much like to provide more details and additional information in the newsletters, but there are hardly any readers left who appreciate this and even fewer who really want it.

I have been cleaning up the club websites for a long time, which only a handful of readers even noticed. Anyone who enjoys reading the things I write throughout the day can continue to do so here on the weblog. And if you would like to get actively involved, you are welcome to use the forum.


Deeper conversations have an impact on me. And so, true to my motto of not taking sunk costs into account, I first removed the chatbot, then, since I was already there, also the colorful references to social media and, quite logically, once again and now probably lastly I deleted my Twitter X account.

I'll keep the Bluesky account active for a while - out of pure curiosity to see how this social media develops. But I won't really play with it anymore. I'd rather concentrate more on how I can bring my blog into better harmony with the Zettelkasten.

While I work digitally all year round, my better half is now increasingly using the darker season to do crafts, paint and design in the traditional way. I took the liberty of simply using an initial interim result to garnish my blog.

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