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We could Klaus Mendte not so easy to let go, so today there was a farewell in a small circle, but with all my heart. In doing so, we got into revelry and didn't just talk about them EUROPE UNION times, but also about the military and our experiences as a Saxon — in my case as a short-term Saxon by choice from my time in Chemnitz. The people of Heilbronn, who couldn't be there today, will really miss Klaus and will keep fond memories of him; Besides, the Ruhrpott isn't completely out of the world - even if some think it's at the end of it.
It's been a while since my own time with the federal government, and I've decided to address the security, defense, and security amateurishness our policies create armaments policy no longer upset and certainly no longer surprised. In the meantime I have also gotten used to the fact that my oldest has followed in my footsteps and is making his first steps as an infantryman.
It's still very strange when I have to watch how much money he spends on clothing and equipment during his training, just to be reasonably well equipped. This problem has not really improved in the last 40 years - on the contrary!
I never thought that scooters in Heilbronn would ever be so popular again. I recently got one about that Blog Post written. Recently, the first e-scooter driver, as the scooters are now called, died through his own fault, and he also caused lifelong nightmares for another road user.
I'm a little pleased that many young people or just young-at-heart people appreciate this way of getting around, because it actually brings new impetus to the city for the viewer. Unfortunately, I'm probably the only one who doesn't like it when hardly any 16-year-olds race with it in the pedestrian zone. I find it completely incomprehensible when fathers walk alongside their child riding the e-scooter and the child can barely reach the handlebars with their arms, or even rush behind their child riding the scooter on their bike.
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