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I am currently getting new hearing aids, which after a good eight years was about time, because not only has my hearing reached its limits, but the hearing aid technology has also reached the end of its capabilities.
Nevertheless, I had to go to the ear doctor, who repeatedly found that my hearing was worse than before, just as it had been for the past two decades. However, this visit to the doctor was unnecessary for the necessary purchase of new hearing aids - it only serves to deal with an excessive amount of bureaucracy. Our society could have used both the doctor's time and mine more sensibly.
And so I have to dig deep into my pockets again just to be able to understand my fellow human beings a little better; since I haven't been able to hear birds for a long time, let alone speeding cyclists on the sidewalk, I'm starting to wonder whether this investment is actually still worth it.
To make the whole thing a little more appealing, I've now bought a TV adapter. If it does what it promises, I'll probably be able to do without most of the text that appears on the screen. And my roommates will probably benefit from it too - the room will probably be a little less noisy now.
However, the speakers on my stereo system remain defective because I have been listening to my favorite music for a long time and mostly from memory — I enjoy the record even before the tone arm has hit the right groove.
handing over
Today I was again reminded of the seven phases of change (Elisabeth kübler-ross / Richard K. Streich), when the first member of the Free Voters entered Phase 3 and began the handover. And so I was able to access the Free Voters account on my.voice.de to hand over.
I now hope that phases 4 and 5 will follow quickly and that we will be able to elect a new club chairman after the summer break. I can then hand over my paper documents to my successor and to the Heilbronn city archives. All of this is now regulated by statute and contract and should therefore no longer pose an intellectual challenge to anyone.
Last but not least, the new board must make a decision about the future club website. After that, I can close this chapter in my biography with a clear conscience - some people are a little annoyed about my (sudden) withdrawal; but this could have been considered beforehand and acted upon accordingly.
Want to have
I am increasingly astonished to see how far too many of my fellow citizens want to have everything, usually immediately, and without ever even thinking about the fact that they have to do something to achieve it.
Unfortunately, they are increasingly being confirmed in their belief that sausages and chicken just fly into your mouth all by themselves. They sit down at the table that has already been set as a matter of course and leave as soon as it is time to start cleaning up.
We organize parties and celebrations all by ourselves, just like websites are updated so easily that you always see yourself in the best light. Boring work is something for others.
That's why I was so happy to find a package on my doorstep last night when I returned from an event, left there by a hard-working delivery person. I was able to attend a stable guard party beforehand, which made me wonder again why they're still called that today even though there aren't a single stable guard there anymore - as I said, it's chic, there's something to eat and drink, you can enjoy small talk without having to do anything yourself, but you can feel like a "stable guard" for a few hours. These days it's the real, genuine feelings that count!
That night I Lucius Annaeus Senecas letters to Lucilius on ethics. Reclam published them in Latin and German and added an afterword by Marion Giebel (Seneca 2018: 1423).
"The philosopher has a manuscript in his hand and is looking intently at his student. The young man [Nero], leaning back casually, looks disinterested, even bored..."
It always goes on. Everything flows...