

Post photo: Perspective | © Carola68 The world is colourful... on Pixabay


Incidentally, there are still one or the other event that needs to be prepared. The May celebrations are taking place again in the Neckarhalle, although I'm really happy that Herbert Burkhardt contributes so energetically. Mainly because this time I'll be dancing into May beforehand and will therefore immediately switch from one event to the other. And the 7th Hertenstein Talks on September 23, 2023 are already in full swing for the organizers and so regular video conferences with our cooperation partners and further preparatory meetings are now taking place.

I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you Franz Schirm, who tirelessly prepares our regular events, as well as the European bowling tonight. Without people like Franz and Herbert I wouldn't be able to handle many events.


With Detlef Stern and Thomas Michl I was able to exchange a little bit about two upcoming lectures in the coming week and I am therefore very confident that the students will accept these lectures quite well. I already have my motto for the coming week:

"I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you."



Actually, there would have been a few topics that could have been addressed today. Starting with the well-known problems and little problems in Heilbronn or the unsuccessful attempts to convert the Bundeswehr (back) into functional armed forces. The latter will only succeed if, among other things, Articles Art 87a and b in the Basic Law are reformed, the military leadership is thus also given financial responsibility and finally the civilian personnel is reduced to a maximum of one seventh of the total number.

But then I made up my mind not to deal with any of these topics, but to limit myself to more exciting things. So I treated myself to the fireworks, that Elon Musk ignited in Texas today and also took a look at Twitter to see if his recent changes are having an impact there. In any case, his workforce reduction of more than 50% did not lead to the difficulties that so many expected. And the fact that the colorful ticks on Twitter are no longer randomly distributed has its charm, at least in my opinion.

I was pleased to receive feedback on the most recently published poem, whereby Hans Müller took the opportunity and sent me another picture from Buffalo. I was a little surprised to find that a blog post from March of this year suddenly got more than 1 readers in just a few days. This post will probably not be read so often because of the praise I give there at the beginning, but rather because of two statements of fact that those affected obviously cannot digest very well.

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