

Post photo: Affenmusik | © Pixabay


A tool for attracting MEPs, which has long been criticized and originally intended to replace a candidate in the event that an elected candidate resigns or is unavailable. At the federal level, the successor is the first non-elected candidate who is on the relevant party's state list. This principle is also followed in the municipal councils, at least in Baden-Württemberg.

However, the situation can certainly arise in which this successor is not available after all, and the next one is therefore given a chance — for parties an opportunity to work past the will of the voters.

Another, well-intentioned possibility was initially practiced by the Greens, who sent their deputies to the Bundestag according to a rotation principle with the corresponding number of successors and replaced their deputies in the middle of the legislative period. In doing so, they actually wanted to prevent professional politics, which I have often denounced. Even with this well-intentioned idea, they failed miserably and have meanwhile become exactly what they actually wanted to abolish!

However, at the state level and in the European Parliament, the succession is exploited even more strongly by the parties, in which they always put a second candidate behind each candidate, who then comes into play when the elected candidate no longer wants to or can no longer exercise his electoral office.

It has become common practice for the parties to place behind their "workhorses" precisely those candidates who would never be elected by voters, but who are then enthroned by the parties during a legislative period as second candidates. We are witnessing a case like this in our country right now.

And provided with this "office bonus", they then have the chance to be elected by the voters in the coming elections. At first it was easy to follow how such successors were voted out at the first opportunity, but the parties then sent them back to parliament as successors - in the meantime the voters have obviously resigned and are now simply voting for the person offered by the parties as a candidate - completely regardless of whether the candidate suits you or not.

In any case, it would be of great benefit to our democracy if one standardized the “moving back” and agreed on the practices for local council and federal elections.

I am not the only one who is convinced that this is much more transparent for voters and that it also takes better account of the will of the voters overall.

Aufräu financing

my youngest cleanup Several things fell victim, including deleting my Reddit, Pinterest, Tumblr and Instagram accounts. This should have given me a little more free time. Detlef Star must have "smelled" this and right away Update of his Zettelstore (0.2) released.

So I've planned a little "playing time" for this weekend and will probably bite my teeth out with the .meta files - "Every little animal has its own pleasure!"

Some are more equal than others

Whether in church or in "high politics". George Orwells statement "All animals are equal but some are more equal than others" more and more often and wholeheartedly, namely that there are fellow citizens among us for whom our laws simply no longer apply and have therefore lost their validity for this group of people.

For many citizens, the only choice left is to leave the church and, slowly but surely, not to join any political parties.

However, these citizens are cementing themselves with this the new power relations, because precisely those fellow human beings who feel better than the others and still cannot show a single reason why they should be that at all, will gather in these institutions, such as the churches and parties, and organize them solely for their own good.

Only an independent judiciary could now ensure that we are all equal, at least as far as our laws are concerned.

The God of our churches has obviously already made himself clear: old churchmen are allowed to do everything and small children count nothing.

[By the way, George OrwellIt is the 72nd anniversary of his death today.]

music album of the day

Meat Loaf, Bat Out of Hell (1977)

birthday of the day

Ludwig Thomas

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