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card game

For a few years we have been playing the card game Play Nine in the family, which not only mimics golf well, but is also very entertaining and, like golf, teaches humility. Simply put down the book in the evening and end the evening comfortably in good company.

high heels

In order to relax a bit from the aberrations of local politics in Heilbronn, I better delve into it Ulrike Guérots essay “What is the nation?” and rather ask me what high heels have to do with it. Although I once read that this fashion originally came from men who wanted to further support their own aggressive behavior. Before I lose myself more and more in details, I prefer to go back to the essay, which you can easily digest in one go.

Paula Fuchs Allee

Some Heilbronners still remember the promises made by the city administration and the local council factions to relieve Heilbronn's city center of through traffic again.

Therefore, the new "inner-city" district for higher earners called Neckarbogen was planned with a new Peter-Bruckmann-Bridge, the Paula-Fuchs-Allee and with the possibility of a new Kranenstraße.

Now that the whole thing is developing not only into a good location, but also into an investment property for local councils, they want to have as little through traffic as possible in this part of the city.

The new Kranenstraße was very quickly shelved, now the Paula-Fuchs-Allee is to be reduced to a dead end and the bridge parking spaces are to be sold to the citizens as an innovation.

It is not a good idea at all to connect a new district with just one road, because this district will also need public transport, supply and disposal traffic, rescue and transport vehicles, not to mention the residents' and visitors' vehicles, as well as the wildlife parkers , who constantly cause trouble in all suburban areas.

Even in normal operation, this dead-end solution is not only an additional burden in the Neckar bend itself, but above all also for the northern inner city, and in the event that unforeseen events occur in the vicinity of Europaplatz or even the Peter Bruckmann Bridge, a very critical one situation for the local "islanders".

And if at least the residents of Gerberstraße don't feel like they've been sold to fools, then I don't know what to do either! But the city should at least think about whether it wouldn't be better if the Paula Fuchsavenue in Susanne-Baydead end to rename.

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