

Featured photo: Green area

Election campaign

The election campaign has me again, the city of Heilbronn has brought a completely new idea of ​​democracy into the race. Each citizen is only allowed to campaign as much as the parties in the Heilbronn municipal council like, and this “election campaign” must then look exactly as the parties want to do it. At least the city administration has not yet told us which topics we can address in the election campaign. The city actors call the whole thing the principle of equality, which, by the way, only applies during election campaigns, after which the usual suspects are more equal than the others.

And even before the election has even taken place, our local councilors are already planning the upcoming pleasure trip, this time we're going to Antwerp to admire moving water. With all this planning, an election campaign is quite annoying, our mayor would already be happy to be out and about with his council; one's own life is limited and the attractions of this world are diverse. And as we have since Hans Hoffman As you know, our city is usually brought into shape when we travel. So it's quite fitting that things aren't going well for the old "Südmilch" again, because the city administration and local council could once again look for solutions in South America, and things could start right after the count.

Meanwhile, we Free Voters are fighting to be allowed to cover 30 approved construction fences with posters on both sides. We had already chosen hoardings last time because they are cheaper than the parties' large posters - we pay attention to them because we don't get any tax money for our election campaign. And since the hoardings are half the size of the party posters, covering them on both sides would definitely be appropriate because “equal” - I completely forgot, some are simply more equal than others!

upper limits

The CDU parliamentary group has in the current election campaign my criticism of too many kebab shops and other shops to heart and included in their election program. Unlike the CDU's own idea for weapons ban zones, whatever that may be and you want to be able to implement it, I welcome their push for upper limits.

The mayor has not yet commented on this, preferring to announce via the Heilbronner Stimme (April 20.4.2024, 27: XNUMX) that such upper limits are not possible in his city. If that were the case, how do we explain the upper limits that also apply here, e.g. B. for sex shops and gambling halls? The strict Berlin arcade law, which has been confirmed several times by the courts up to the Federal Constitutional Court, could serve as an example.

Alternatively, you could also take a closer look at how the many barber shops, nail studios and kebab stalls finance themselves. It would be unpleasant if these business models were based solely on transfer payments, and it would be even worse if they only served to launder money.

In any case, it is good and expedient if our local councils slowly start to think about positive urban development. And my age-old idea of ​​ensuring cleanliness, peace and order in the city center so that more attractive shops and services can settle in Heilbronn again would probably be more suitable; The charm is that you can get by without bans.

benefit concert

My better half had put a lot of effort into yesterday's event to mark 50 years of meseno, and I was really looking forward to the Open Doors concert, but then I didn't even notice my youngest going to the concert with her instead of me.

There was a full house and the Open Doors once again outdid themselves - unfortunately I wasn't there! Now I hope that I can at least make it to the board meeting of the Free Voters today, there is a lot to discuss there.

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