

Featured photo: Girl at a precipice | © Shutterstock


“Nightingale, I hear you tramping” or why else are we in Heilbronn increasingly being informed that cemeteries in Germany are basically a dying breed and that their maintenance can often no longer be financed.

VIP building plots have been in short supply in Heilbronn for some time now, and the beautiful "new" plots below the Wartberg were snapped up far too quickly. So it's a good thing that our main cemetery is in the east of Heilbronn and in a prime location there too.

The Heilbronn “cousins” and their offspring will be happy and will certainly have no problem with the fact that their future villas will be located on former burial grounds. Because the saying “location, location and more location” also applies to Heilbronn.


At the end of the summer semester, there was a coffee and a good conversation with Detlef Stern. Afterwards I wandered through the almost empty buildings of the educational campus, even the many pubs and restaurants (see: Ludwig feuerbach) of this educational complex were referred to — “To each his own”.

On Friday I'll probably let Detlef "shanghai" me for another project - but more in the spirit of Goethe's fisherman. In any case, the educational campus has its own charm and as soon as I find the right place for me, I'll make myself comfortable there outside of lecture or seminar times.

The dark charm of the city library (a warning sign?) is currently getting to me too much, so I'm going to see if I can go to the university library instead.

Internal emigration

Some are already dreaming of internal emigration; however, no one can say whether they will be able to sit it out themselves. And in the fortunate event that the light at the end of the tunnel is reached, everyone will once again be completely astonished to discover that the entire world consists only of resistance fighters or at least of internal emigrants.

Ultimately, you can't look into a person's brain, so we continue to take what they say as true and given. And as is the case when you come from dark times yourself, you have completely different things to do first - which is also very human.

Unfortunately, however — and this is a fact — a lack of or even insufficient processing of mistakes leads to us humans slipping into the same misery again at the next opportunity. And once again the saying Johann Wolfgang von Goethes “Half she pulled him, half he sank down” (The Fisherman) — we Germans like to be pulled.

The more profound blog posts from my immediate environment are also increasing again. I was drawn to the poem by Hans Carossa made aware.

The old fountain

Turn off your light and sleep! The ever-awake
Only splashing sounds from the old fountain.
But whoever was a guest under my roof,
Always quickly got used to this sound.

It may be the case that you are already in the middle
In your dream there is unrest around the house,
The gravel by the fountain crunches from hard steps,
The bright splashing suddenly stops,

And you wake up, — then you don’t have to be frightened!
The stars are in full force over the land,
And only one wanderer stepped to the marble basin,
He draws water from the well with his cupped hand.

He continues straight away. And there is a noise as always.
Oh, be happy, you won’t be alone here.
Many wanderers walk far away in the starry shimmer,
And some are still on their way to you.

Hans Carossa

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