

Featured photo: Munich | © Bettina Kümmerle


Since the beginning, the EUROPA-UNION Heilbronn has supported the State Ministry's European election campaign and has always ensured that Heilbronn is included in this Tour de Ländle. This time the kick-off took place in Stuttgart, where the EUROPA-UNION Heilbronn was also represented; I have already reported on this. For cost reasons and because it was becoming increasingly difficult to get drivers for the bus, they decided not to have a bus this year and are now traveling with an Ape tour, with the new attraction being a coffee cart - the coffee served there is delicious particularly good and is also served free of charge.

On May 31, 2024, the Ape tour will stop in Heilbronn at Kiliansplatz in the afternoon; The EUROPA-UNION will traditionally be represented there with an information stand. This time even the Heilbronn city newspaper (May 15.5.2024, 2: XNUMX) is advertising this event - my readers will certainly not be surprised that the EUROPA-UNION is not mentioned in this article.

Speaking of coffee, that with the coffee along with it Detlef Stern didn't work yesterday; But I got it for that Valentine Weber and one of his colleagues reinforced my lecture. Unfortunately, the coffee on Friday won't work either; the reason is obvious. But I'll be reading to the Damm elementary school again - we're currently at Robber Hotzenplotz and I've actually forgotten how the story ends.

But I can still be patient until Friday, because in the meantime the Free Voters brochures will keep me on my toes and if it works, then I can shake a leg too. In addition, there are said to be further lawsuits against us Free Voters - completely far-fetched. But I'll just wait until I have this on the table. These complaints and gripes are no more fun than the paperwork I currently have to do with GEMA.


The Neckarbogen now also has a neighborhood garage and one can assume that at least one more public parking garage will be added. This comes as no surprise and was certainly taken into account in the initial plans for the Neckarbogen, even before the “experts” began renovating this new part of the city. The parking garage makes a very good impression. However, it brings Simon Gajer (Heilbronner Stimme, May 15.5.2024, 23: XNUMX) straight to the point: “The mix is ​​what makes mobility, as this parking garage impressively illustrates. There is only one drawback: good connections to public transport are part of the mix.”

The original and necessary plans for public transport were probably stopped when the mayor took office, although attempts were now made to transform the Neckarbogen into a forest settlement à la SED for Heilbronn VIPs. The realities have now dashed the fantasies of some particularly important people in Heilbronn; it will now probably and quite logically be necessary to increasingly resort to social housing in the Neckarbogen, at least if you want to develop the entire district in a somewhat timely manner.

As already mentioned, you will certainly need another neighborhood garage and especially a connection to public transport, which will hopefully be connected to the city on both sides via Paula-Fuchs-Allee. Finally, we would be back to the original plans for the further development of our city, with the Neckarbogen being one component of many that integrates as well as possible into the rest of the city - a ghetto formation does not fit into the 21st century and certainly not in Europe !

For Europe

While in other cities people fly flags at least during Europe Week, people in Heilbronn's town hall continue to keep Europe silent. If the administration and its local council have their way, then Heilbronn was created solely by two people, namely a billionaire and his mayor. And so it's no wonder that when it comes to Europe there are only empty promises and empty words in the town hall - but one Nazi memorial, right next to the SPD parliamentary group room.

On the other hand, it is very pleasing and I actually have to praise the Heilbronn voice once again that we have been able to read more well-researched articles and opinion pieces about Europe in the last few days; Christopher Donauer deserves special mention. During Europe Week and in the run-up to the European Parliament elections, our daily newspaper not only thought about how to address democracy and, in my opinion, the necessary European unification, but also shed light on the advantages and disadvantages as well as the different perspectives good. And this alone can be seen as positive for our Europe!

I particularly like the fact that I was interviewed a few days ago in my role as district chairman of the EUROPA-UNION. It's been a while since the last interview - from July 2011 — and it was about Stuttgart 21 — back then I would never have guessed that this would also become a very lengthy topic.

This time I was allowed to express my opinion and conviction about a European federal state. The interview conducted Christopher Donauer (Heilbronner Stimme, May 15.5.2024, 3: XNUMX) and I was admittedly curious to see how he would summarize the somewhat longer interview. I think his article is very well done. That's why I'm taking the liberty of publishing it here on the blog.

In the meantime, I wish the Heilbronn town hall and its current inmates more courage for democracy and Europe as well as a little more interest in the needs and wishes of us Heilbronn citizens.

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