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For now, I will leave the commentary on the information that at least one German cloud and IT provider is now dependent on Google to Felix Von Leitner, because they will certainly jump on this bandwagon; if only because of the supposed security in “German” networks.

I'm smiling about it, because those employees who previously had problems with Microsoft Office - which shouldn't have existed for decades - will now have problems with Google Workspace (keyword: digital natives). Both are still far better than what SAP offers.

It is fitting that all students are now being given tablets. Teachers are already struggling to keep up with deleting porn and gambling sites from the students' tablets. I suspect that after school, many parents use the tablets more as a way to pass the time than as an incentive to help their own children learn.

But things can get even better, because now artificial intelligence is also set to take over schools. Until then, students will be used as first responders for IT problems.

We Germans have always been inventive when it comes to solving problems. And so the first thing the new federal government will do is throw the debt brake in the trash; otherwise it will end up like the government still in office. Note: In our country, Democrats continue to be bought, not made.


Today I went swimming for the first time in a long time, the pool was perfect for swimming laps. I resisted and enjoyed a little break in the outdoor pool. In the evening I even danced. In between I tried to understand what one or two students were trying to tell me. It would be great if I really didn't understand it because it was too much for me. But it could also be that copying together English text passages sometimes doesn't make the desired sense. Now I'm looking forward to the answers to my questions.

Some others have pulled out a somewhat older strategy, namely skipping the lectures and then just handing in the exercises. So all I could do was point out that it might not have been such a bad idea to follow my lectures. And no, I will not provide a lead solution to the exercises, nor will they be reused in the exam.

reader's letter

Just recently, my better half and I were hit from behind on the sidewalk. This time it was two young e-scooter riders. Our police and the public order office continue to turn a blind eye - they prefer to wait until there are deaths, then at least they have something to talk about.

A letter that reached me as former head of the Free Voters is quite fitting in this regard.

"I followed the plans [for the city center] in the [Heilbronner Stimme] station. What really upsets me is their complete disregard for pedestrian traffic. My sense of security is increasingly impaired by e-scooters and bicycles. What are bicycles doing on sidewalks and in the pedestrian zone? 

This has a significant impact on the quality of the stay. Drug dealers have never bothered me and the constant presence of security guards, who of course do not intervene, is rather unsettling.

Please take this into account when planning. By the way: Riding bicycles on the sidewalk is an offence and carries a fine of 55 euros, but not in HN."

Anyone who reads my blog regularly will know that I can only agree with the person who sent in the comment. But as I have already written, anyone who wants to change something in Heilbronn cannot keep voting for the same local councillors or even mayors! Anyone who acts like that is not very far removed from being a lobotomised dementia care inmate.

“Life is political, not because the world cares about how you feel, but because the world reacts to what you do.”

Timothy Snyder, On Tyranny (2017: 33)

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