

Post photo: Allee | © Shutterstock

youth memories

Thanks to the voice of Heilbronn, I now know where the nursery rhyme “If your wife is in your way, do it like Trumpy, grab a saw.” actually comes from. As a child growing up in Heilbronn in the 1960s, I could immediately remember this rhyme.

But to this day I still don't know why we children loved to sing this rhyme back then - it was simply part of the Heilbronn repertoire.

work clean

Really not a new topic. It immediately caught my eye when I returned to Heilbronn at the end of my service in 2014. Compared to other cities, we clearly have some catching up to do when it comes to hygiene and cleanliness. I have already written several blog posts about this and have already made representations to the municipal council and the city administration.

So you have to see it as a gratifying fact that those responsible are slowly starting to think about it.

Incidentally, all citizens knew in advance that the current expenses for the green space office, among other things, will be a lot higher after the BUGA - I'm not so sure about who is responsible anymore - because there are the maintenance costs, which you always have to take into account, if you afford something.

Mr. Karl Heinz Kuebler (Heilbronnerstimme, November 15.11.2021th, 30: XNUMX) I have to admit that "it is primarily due to the upbringing". But then there are insufficient controls and a lack of sanctions for misconduct, as well as too much neglect by our municipal council of sleazy children of all ages. The people there are obviously of the opinion that you will become a big city if you not only allow begging, peddling, rioting and littering the city, but also encourage it by looking the other way.

The city council's management solutions now vary from "continue to ignore the problem", to the creation of "an overall concept" to new "consultancy contracts" or a "further expansion of the public service".

Slowly but surely, the fellow citizens who have been on the municipal council for a while must be acknowledged that they are not helping to solve the problem, but have long been part of the problem themselves.


The actual attractiveness of a city or community can be measured against very specific criteria; this includes less the headlines in the local press or the announcements from the city administration. Such a reliable criterion are the regular elections for the Lord Mayor.

In Heilbronn, for example, it has already come to the point that, in addition to the well-known and previous “supply post holder”, only one city councilor from the local political sleazy corner expressed the wish to adorn himself with the office of mayor.

Incidentally, for our parties represented on the city council, a declaration of bankruptcy and, if one assumes that they continue to sniff out our top management — someone who should be able and willing to manage, among other things, a good 3 employees — in back rooms, a less good understanding of people and democracy.

birthday of the day

Claus Schenk von Stauffenberg

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