Contribution photo: general meeting | © Jorg Georgios Bampanis
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I have no understanding of a meeting of right-wing extremist circles where, according to several sources (including: Time online, January 11, 2024, 9:54 a.m) CDU members also took part.
I am firmly convinced that the CDU as a party had nothing to do with it, but every party and every voters' association is responsible if they fail to exclude avowed anti-democrats or even left- and right-wing extremists from their ranks.
The background to this meeting was nothing other than that of a Wannsee Conference 2.0. The German National Socialists must be very sure of themselves if they distribute the bear's fur again before they seize power again and in the process prepare another holocaust. Like their NSDAP predecessors, they would like to first begin with a mass expulsion, which they now refer to as “remigration”, which is now in vogue.
Such confidence shown by the National Socialists can actually only happen if the well-known German families and large corporations have already given their “go” and leading politicians from democratic parties are ready to give the Hindenburg again.
Now the fact that denazification in Germany (East and West) only took place on paper is taking its toll.
Meanwhile, the National Socialists have made their first push in Potsdam, and now the ball is in the court of all of Germany's democrats. The question that comes to mind is, which democratic party scores the own goal?
It is truly time for us Democrats to give all totalitarians their place, which can only lie in our country's dark history. A Friedrich Merz or a Markus Söder could demonstrate real leadership and put the Union back in order.
According to some letters to the editor in the Heilbronner Stimme (January 11.1.2024, 11: 600), many people in Heilbronn are surprised that, despite the war in Ukraine, 000 Ukrainians fit for military service have allegedly found refuge in Western Europe. Whether these are deserters or just shirkers, no one outside Ukraine can know. For purely ideological reasons - it is only emancipation if it serves one's own advantage (!) - we don't even talk about the Ukrainian women who are definitely capable of military service, the number of which is probably much higher.
As early as March 2022, when I was able to see the first young Ukrainians in Heilbronn, I stopped wondering about this situation, because I know my own compatriots only too well. And why should young Ukrainians be different from our own population?
Just for better understanding. Compulsory military service in Germany was abolished because there were no longer enough young Germans who actually agreed to serve their country for at least a few months and not just with their mouth.
I even fear that as soon as Russian armed forces come against our country, millions of today's proudly able-bodied Germans will immediately flee abroad to avoid possible military conscription.
And anyone who is now upset about Ukraine and its men should remember that for two years now they have been subject not only to Russian military superiority, but also to the greatest terror and criminal regime of all time (in the event that humanity escapes from the... learns to resist past mistakes.
It is doubtful whether we will succeed in this.
Community life
And club life has me completely under control again. The first circulars also found their addressees and yesterday there was also an extraordinary general meeting. The reason for this is sad and that is probably why the institution of extraordinary meetings exists. In any case, I can attest that the start to the club's year was quite successful; In addition to the obligatory committee meetings, there were one or two nice meetings and also the first get-together.
By the way, I was asked about my blog, which I consciously run alongside the official club pages and reflects my personal opinion as a person and citizen. What's interesting to me is the suggestion that you can't always keep up with reading - but that's a fundamental problem, because I don't know anyone who keeps up with their reading load. And if the time ever comes, you will immediately discover new reading material that you would like to read at least once. Many people - including me - even have books, magazines and feed reader content piling up that just seem to be waiting for moments like this.
In any case, I was pleased that I also have readers among the various club members who take critical note of my blog - and that's exactly how it should be! Because anyone who only reads what they already know or even thinks is good is doing something fundamentally wrong.
In addition, a personal blog primarily serves more or less the self-reflection of the respective blogger; some also use it to organize their entire digital life, and so a blog is only then aimed at other readers.
Over the years I have written increasingly for various club magazines and later for the club pages of the respective clubs, but I have always had to realize that this is a very thankless task, as it does not reach a sufficient readership or even achieve any significant feedback would be worth the effort of this writing.
And so I now limit myself to the good old press releases, which can also be found on the respective club website. But since my writing workload has remained fairly constant over the years, you can now find more blog posts for it. What could perhaps change again if I dug out an old book project or even had the idea of starting a new one.
But now I remember that I still have one or two press releases to write.
One thought on "11.1.02024"
An aptly chosen metaphor for the recent massacre, to which there is nothing to add. On the other hand, there are bright spots in well-maintained club life, where a fine and broad-based team will lead common goals to success.